microsoft as his own rival

why does not microsoft buy a linux-distro and polish it as compatible as it can be (with windows) and publish it freely, so that people who are tired of windows can go to linux and still use their windows applications and/or many more variations?

it would be wiser if microsoft had directed all his resources for windows development, you would answer, but i take this as promoting windows applications on other platforms, and i would take it highly respectful if microsoft had big involvements or support in development of known linux packages like smb, wine and mono.

i would also appreciate if windows had teams of developers, developing plugins and scripts for other platforms (e.g. firefox extensions, unix shell scripts, autocad scripts, photoshop plugins, etc)


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hiç bir haber  vermeden alanımı silen microsoft’a teşekkürü bir borç bilir, muhtemel sebep olarak gördüğüm yazıyı tekrar eklerim:
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